Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Weekly Update 8/2/19

This week: We named four chickens, and started building our bar room!

Among my chickens are three crazy White Leghorns. They are tough, adventurous, crafty, flighty little psychos, but they are entertaining, incredibly reliable, and oh so lovable. I never named them because I could never tell them apart. They don't really have any distinct markings, they are all just pure white. However, the other day I was watching them and noticed that I could tell them apart by their combs. So I decided that it was time to name them.

I knew I wanted a, obvious theme, and the first thing I came up with was Mean Girls. Gretchen and Regina I liked, but Karen wasn't doing it for me, so scratch that. Then I thought Golden Girls, but there is four of them and wanted to save that for when I have a group of four to name. I thought about The Pink Ladies from Grease, I thought about the girls from Friends, I thought about Charlies Angels... Nothing seemed to fit. Until exactly what I was looking for just pupped into my head out of nowhere. Meet

Dolly's comb is big and it flops over.


Loretta's comb is smaller than Dolly's.

and Patsy!

Patsy's comb has is smaller and she has a little unicorn horn sticking up!
Also, by BFF named my little  Barred Plymouth Rock pullet Athena. ❤️

This week we also tore down the ugly paneling in the mudroom and replaced all the windows and framed in the patio door. We'll have a man cave bar room before we know it!

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