Friday, July 26, 2019

Weekly Update 7/26/19

Earlier this week, I noticed one that our second hatched was walking funny. I saw he had some buildup on his toenails, so I thought that was it. I cleaned them off, put him back in the box, but while watching him I noticed that his leg was bending funny. At first i thought it was broken., then I thought it was possibly dislocated, but then I realized that he was walking on it and moving it just fine. It was just bending funny.
After doing some research I concluded that I thing he has a Valgus/Varus Deformity (VVD). Basically a deformity in his leg that causes it to be twisted. It may grow out of it, but it may get worse. In some cases they learn to deal with it and live happy lives. If he doesn't grow out of it, he will most like be going to freezer camp with the meat chickens. 

Speaking of meat chickens, they're huge. It's they're job to grow quickly, but its astonishing to watch. It seems that at about 2 weeks old, the babies seem to double in size overnight. That happened this week. My babies went from being little tiny fluffies, to being "pre-adolescents".

 In other news, we have tons of blooms, blossoms, and tiny unripe veggies. Because of the long spring we had, our plants are a bit behind this year. I'm getting impatient waiting for my garden(s) to supply me with lots of yummy food!

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