Friday, July 19, 2019

Weekly Update 7-19-19

I have spent a great deal of time watching the baby chicks this week. I mean, come on, if you had a box of little fluffy babies at your house wouldn't you want to spend every moment possible starring at them! They're so fluffin cute!

The two older chicks are twice the size of the other pullets (baby hens), but this week we decided to just put them in together and see what happens. Surprise! They did just fine. Everybody is doing great together. The little one we hatched (that I am bout 85% sure is a cockerel, a baby roo) was play fighting with some of the bigger meat chicks (that are more than likely cockerels as well), but that is pretty normal, healthy chicken behavior. 

Ever since the raccoon attack, we've been making it a point to lock the chickens in their coop at night to keep them safe. The first couple nights some of the hens decided they may be safer sleeping outside the coop. It took several nights to try coax them in. The crazy leghorns, surprisingly, were the easiest. It's little miss Rita that is being the most difficult. It is still a struggle night after night, but she is getting better. Were also working on getting them back in the habit of laying their eggs in the nesting boxes again. I've been keeping them in the coop in the mornings until they've laid their eggs, hopefully it does the trick. 

Trying to keep cool in this crazy heat!

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